About Me
Why working with me?
Kurz auf Deutsch...
"Angelika kommt ursprünglich aus einem Bauernhof in der Südoststeiermark (Österreich) und ist langjährige Weltreisende, Naturbewunderin und Multisprachlerin. Ihre Berufung zum Teilen von Yoga begann 2013 in einem Ashram-Retreat in Indien, nachdem sie ihren Internationalen Marketing Manager Job in Frankreich aufgab, um auf ihre erste Weltreise zu gehen.
Ausgebildet in Indien (500h TTC) unterrichtet sie nun seit 10 Jahren in Österreich und weltweit in einem ganzheitlichen, ursprünglichen und allumfassenden Stil - um den wahren Geist des Yoga zu bewahren, jedoch mit einem intuitiv starken Gespür angepasst an die Bedürfnisse der Gruppe und an die modernen, aktuellen Energien.
Ihr Unterricht ist von kraftvollen Ashtanga-Elementen, Hatha oder Vinyasa bis hin zu Yin & Restorative und Flexibilitätstrainings-Elementen geprägt, sowie von Nervensystemregulierungs-Übungen, Pranayama und geführten Meditationen. Weiters gehören Wissenselemente aus den 8 Gliedern des Yoga, Chakrenlehre, Ayurveda, Astrologie sowie Mantrasingen, Klang & Musik zu ihrem Klasseninhalt wenn passend. Die korrekte Ausführung und Ausrichtung von Körper, Geist und Atmung in den Asanas und die Selbst-Erfahrung der Schüler:innen sind ihr besonders wichtig."
"Yoga bringt uns immer wieder zurück in die Mitte und in Einheit - unser Urzustand. Es reinigt uns Schicht für Schicht, und entfacht ein Licht, um endlich zu werden, was und wer wir wirklich sind."
That´s me:
- erfahrene und zertifizierte RYS 500H Yoga Lehrerin (in Indien ausgebildet)
- in Thailand ausgebildete Thai Yoga Körperpraktikerin
- Reiki III und Chakra Healing (Indien)
- in London ausgebildete Psychosynthesis Leadership Coachin
- Einführung und Selbstarbeit in Somatic Experiencing Trauma-Arbeit nach Dr. Levine
- langjährige Weltenreisende, Kulturbeobachterin und Multisprachlerin (en-de-fr-es)
- endlose Naturbewunderin, Bio-Farming-Experimentiererin, Nachhaltigkeits-Botschafterin
- Poetin, Tänzerin, Sängerin & Musikerin
My story...
Hello & Namaste!
Originally from Austria, I have grown up on a little farm in the remote countryside between Graz and Maribor. Always curious about other languages, I went to France at the age of 19 as an Au-pair girl and ended up staying there for over 8 years, studying and working in the business, languages and marketing fields.
In 2013 I finally followed my soul (and Earth´s calling) and quit everything - and I went on my first round-the-world trip. This trip started with a Yoga & Meditation retreat in silence in an Ashram in Rishikesh, India - which changed my life and all I wished from then on was to share this new happiness from within with others. I continued to travel for many years, doing training after training, while people kept coming to me asking me about yoga and meditation...
My teachings...
So... I have become to be an authentic & experienced Yoga Instructor (RSY 500h certified with Himalaya Yoga Valley), having learned and trained at the Source of Yoga - India.
I have been teaching since 2014, guiding people of all age groups around the world. Naturally though, the majority of my yoga community happens to be self-responsible people with impact, who are having leading roles somehow in our society or for the shaping of our new world.
I give my best to honour Yoga´s true spirit and purpose, in combination with a modern, open-minded and holistic approach when appropriate. From energising Ashtanga/Hatha to softer Yin & Restorative, Yoga Nidra or Philosophy - my classes are always adapted to the group´s needs and the current energies.
As a teacher, I am here to share my personal practice and experience with you, and I like combining the diverse techniques and ancient wisdoms that I have found useful for me into my personal harmonised system. While you will find elements of dance meditation, body shaking, free dance, mantra singing, Kundalini yoga and somatic vagus nerve exercises in my classes - I am also committed to make sure to respect and align with the original concepts and ethics of Yoga.
Healing Touch... the Body speaks...
Having learned in Thailand and other places, with the Sunshine Network mainly, I am also a passionate Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner, and Energy Worker (Reiki Master & Chakra Balancing, Somatics & Intuitive Healing). It is a real honour for me to work on the body and soul in such a sacred, efficient, mutually-connecting and meditative way ("Nuad" = healing touch in Thai).
Having developed a more defined intuitive and clairsentient/clairyoyant ability over the years, I can also help my clients "see" many of their underlying issues, the language of emotions on the body and ancestral lineage themes, in order to slowly dissolve them when appropriate.
East & West, Spirituality & Material...
I further trained as a Psychosynthesis Leadership Coach in London (Psychosynthesis Leadership Limited & Middlesex University), for a holistic coaching approach at greater depth, recognising the person as a whole, using the tools of psychology and spirituality to help people transform and find uplift and harmony between the spiritual and material world.
As I like people to have the opportunity to experience the essence of India and Asia while travelling more responsably, I have also freelanced for several years for the luxury travel company Bespoke India Travel & Bespoke Sri Lanka Travel, in Responsible Tourism tour editing projects or in social media marketing.
Music, sustainable buying & growing my food....
Thanks to a lot of favourable communication aspects in my astrology, my creative playful side expresses more and more as a passionate Musician & Composer, as well as Traveller, Writer and Inspirer. I like to speak my truth and share my Earth Stories with you.
And - to the best I can - I try to be a vegan/vegetarien, eco-responsible consumer, and an experiential farmer and permaculture creator, for more self-sustainability, nutritional health, respect for our planet and sharing with the local community.
How I transformed trauma into purpose & wisdom...
Another found passion lies in the fields of nervous system regulation and trauma release, after having experienced a personal trauma in June 2020. It had changed my whole life and brought up some deep-lying wounds and patterns that needed to be looked at. After having started Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy on myself and witnessing the incredible life-changing effects of finally discharging long-stored trauma leftovers out of my body - I am now starting to add these somatic tools into my work with clients, while continuing my personal work, research and further somatic trainings. I believe that the understanding of trauma and its somatic mechanisms is the key to our real internal health and peace, individually and collectively.
Ever learning and finding who I am (not)...
My newest passion is the Human Design energy system, as it has been providing me with ever greater insights into Who I truly am and who I am not. Standing to my own values (instead of being influenced by society´s) has often been a topic in my life.
...Leo, 2/4 Manifesting Generator with Sacral Authority,
North Node in Taurus and Rahu in 9th House...
Both the Human Design system, as well as Astrology (Vedic and Western) have helped me tremendously with understanding and embracing my highly sensitive empathy skills, my multi-tasking and travel-seeking nature as well as my own rhythms of work - my phases for solitude/instrospection and those of social interaction.
After all, the system is helping me see that there´s nothing wrong with the way I live and that we are all unique beings with different functioning, purpose and challenges. It shows again that there is no one-fits all model or cure that works for all, and that every healing and transformation is a very personal and personalised journey -
a journey to your own Self that I am very honoured to guide you back home to!
By the way...
Originally from Austria, I can work with you fluently in German, English and French (having lived in France for over 8 years, having studied English and lived in England for 18 months). I also speak Spanish and some Chinese leftover basics.
I do know both the corporate and the health & healing world, understanding its needs and requirements from inside, as I used to work in the business world before, for example as an International Marketing Manager in France.
Meanwhile, I have been to over 40 countries I think!
I had taken the courage to change and quit everything - and travel, observe, live and collect valuable experiences and teachings around the world for many years, so I can share them with you and help you in the best possible way!
My passion in my work is to help create positive change in the individual and our collective, and for our mother Earth... Bringing about Optimum Health & Evolution while fully living the lives that we are meant to live!
I am very much looking forward to connecting with you!
Trainings / Ausbildungen:
In Ausbildung (Sept - Dec 2024):
online (60 hours) with The Embody Lab
2023 Yoga Professional Development Certificate (40 hours), Paros (Greece)
Asana, Meditation, Chanting, Pranayama, Adjusting, Alignment & Sequencing
2022 Introduction in Somatic Experiencing (SE®-Einführungsworkshop)
with Urs Rentsch, Laab im Walde bei Wien, Austria
2021 + 2024 The Meeting Point Thai Massage & Osteopathy Course (2 x 90 hours)
with Pau Castellsagué and The Sunshine Network, Omshanti Barcelona & Bali
2020 Gravity Yoga Teacher Training 25h (online) with The Yoga Teacher´s College
Targeted Flexibility Training, Anatomy, Breathing Techniques
2018 Thai Yoga Massage & Tok Sen Massage at the Wat Pan Whaen Temple,
with Joe Khunlee (Learning Centre of Traditional Thai Massage), Chiang Mai (Thailand)
2018 Yoga Teacher Training 500-hour Certificate (Traditional Yoga, Anatomy, Pranayama, Meditation, Philosophy and Teaching Methodology, Applied Yoga for specific health issues and target groups) with Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Goa (India)
Research topic: Balancing responsibility on the Manager's Shoulders / Leadership Yoga
2016 Postgraduate Certificate in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching
with Middlesex University and Psychosynthesis Leadership Limited, London (UK)
2014, 2016 + 2017 Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Trainings with the Sunshine Network School (Itzhak Helman / Pau Castellsagué / Chatchai Jamu), 2 x 90h in Lahu Village (Thailand) + 1 x 90h in Vienna (Austria)
2014 Reiki Level III with Swami Yogeshwara Anand Puri, Hampi (India)
2013 Chakra Healing Course with Viriaum Kaur/ Organic Karma Massage / Kundalini Yoga Centre, Goa (India)
2013 Yoga Teacher Training 200-hour Certificate (Ashtanga/Hatha, Pranayama,
Meditation, Chanting, Ayurveda…) with Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Goa (India)
2010 MASTER (Bac+5) in Marketing & Business Management (work-related studies)
ESG Ecoles de Commerce, Aix-en-Provence (France)